The intermediate files and final output files have been generated and stored in subdirectories. The code chunks that take time to generate intermediate files will not run by default.

opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60), tidy=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Required R Packages

if (!require("glmnet")) {
   install.packages("glmnet", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("randomForest")) {
   install.packages("randomForest", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("e1071")) {
   install.packages("e1071", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("xgboost")) {
   install.packages("xgboost", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("ggplot2")) {
   install.packages("ggplot2", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("gplots")) {
   install.packages("gplots", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("lattice")) {
   install.packages("lattice", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("factoextra")) {
   install.packages("factoextra", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!require("PRROC")) {
   install.packages("PRROC", dependencies = TRUE)

Create necessary subdirectories

dir.create("intermediate_output", showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create("plots", showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create("tables", showWarnings = FALSE)


# a function to find the NP threshold order
np_order_stat <- function(size, alpha, delta) {
    violation_rates <- pbinom(q=0:(size-1), size=size, prob=1-alpha, lower.tail=F) 
    return( which(violation_rates <= delta)[1] )
# a function to output the threshold on elastic net
np.lr_enet <- function(x, y, alpha, delta=0.05, lambda, B=15, seed=1001) {
    n <- nrow(x)
    idx0 <- which(y == 0)
    idx1 <- which(y == 1)
    n0 <- length(idx0)
    n1 <- length(idx1)
    x0 <- x[idx0,]
    x1 <- x[idx1,]
    sapply(1:B, FUN=function(m) {
        n0_ts <- ceiling(n0/2)
        n0_lo <- n0 - n0_ts
        idx0_ts <- sample(1:n0, n0_ts)
        x0_ts <- x0[idx0_ts,]
        x0_lo <- x0[-idx0_ts,]
        x_ts <- rbind(x0_ts, x1)
        y_ts <- c(rep(0, n0_ts), rep(1, n1))
        classifier_enet <- glmnet(x=x_ts, y=y_ts, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
        prediction_enet <- sort(predict(classifier_enet, newx=x0_lo, s=lambda, type="response"))
        np_order <- np_order_stat(n0_lo, alpha, delta)
# a function to output the threshold on logistic regression (for the single-feature case) <- function(data_train, alpha, delta=0.05, B=15, seed=1001) {
    n <- nrow(data_train)
    idx0 <- which(data_train$y == 0)
    idx1 <- which(data_train$y == 1)
    n0 <- length(idx0)
    n1 <- length(idx1)
    data_train0 <- data_train[idx0, , drop=F]
    data_train1 <- data_train[idx1, , drop=F]
    sapply(1:B, FUN=function(m) {
        n0_ts <- ceiling(n0/2)
        n0_lo <- n0 - n0_ts
        idx0_ts <- sample(1:n0, n0_ts)
        data_train0_ts <- data_train0[idx0_ts, , drop=F]
        data_train0_lo <- data_train0[-idx0_ts, , drop=F]
        data_train_ts <- rbind(data_train0_ts, data_train1)

        classifier_lr <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train_ts)
        prediction_lr <- sort(predict(classifier_lr, newdata=data_train0_lo, type="response"))
        np_order <- np_order_stat(n0_lo, alpha, delta)

Preprocess data

# Read in the gene-by-feature matrix
gene_by_feature_mat <- read.csv("data/All_features1_selected_columns.csv", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
genes <- gene_by_feature_mat[,1]
gene_by_feature_mat <- gene_by_feature_mat[,-1]
rownames(gene_by_feature_mat) <- genes

# Read in the training data information (what genes are going to be used as TSGs, OGs, and NGs in training)
train_info <- read.table("data/Gene_set_new.txt", header=T, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=F)
NGs <- train_info$Gene[train_info$Neutral.Genes==1]
TSGs <- train_info$Gene[train_info$TSG.All.Set==1]
OGs <- train_info$Gene[train_info$OG.All.Set==1]

DGs <- intersect(TSGs, OGs)
TSGs <- setdiff(TSGs, DGs)
OGs <- setdiff(OGs, DGs)

# Save the processed data
save(gene_by_feature_mat, NGs, TSGs, OGs, DGs, file="data/data_proc.Rdata")

Explore the preprocessed data

# gene_by_feature_mat
# NGs
# TSGs
# OGs

# Visualize the correlations between features
cor_mat <- cor(gene_by_feature_mat)
pdf("plots/Feature_correlations.pdf", width=13, height=13)
levelplot(cor_mat, scales=list(x=list(rot=90, cex=.5), y=list(cex=.5)))
heatmap.2(cor_mat, trace="none")
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Explore the training data by PCA

gene_by_feature_mat.TSG_train <- gene_by_feature_mat[c(NGs, TSGs),]
gene_by_feature_mat.OG_train <- gene_by_feature_mat[c(NGs, OGs),]

res_pca.TSG_train <- prcomp(gene_by_feature_mat.TSG_train, scale = TRUE)
res_pca.OG_train <- prcomp(gene_by_feature_mat.OG_train, scale = TRUE)
res_pca.all <- prcomp(gene_by_feature_mat, scale = TRUE)

pdf("plots/PCA.pdf", width=13, height=13)
### TSG train
#### Scree plots
fviz_eig(res_pca.TSG_train, main="TSG train")
#### Feature contributions
             col.var = "contrib", # Color by contributions to the PC
             gradient.cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
             title="TSG train",
             repel = TRUE     # Avoid text overlapping
#### Genes in the first three PCs
##### PC1 vs. PC2
     xlab="PC 1",
     ylab="PC 2",
     main="TSG train",
##### PC1 vs. PC3
     xlab="PC 1",
     ylab="PC 3",
     main="TSG train",
##### PC2 vs. PC3
     xlab="PC 2",
     ylab="PC 3",
     main="TSG train",
##### Legend
legend("center", c("NGs", "TSGs"), col=1:2, pch=1, cex=2)

### OG train
#### Scree plots
fviz_eig(res_pca.OG_train, main="OG train")
#### Feature contributions
             col.var = "contrib", # Color by contributions to the PC
             gradient.cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
             title="OG train",
             repel = TRUE     # Avoid text overlapping
#### Genes in the first three PCs
##### PC1 vs. PC2
     xlab="PC 1",
     ylab="PC 2",
     main="OG train",
##### PC1 vs. PC3
     xlab="PC 1",
     ylab="PC 3",
     main="OG train",
##### PC2 vs. PC3
     xlab="PC 2",
     ylab="PC 3",
     main="OG train",
##### Legend
legend("center", c("NGs", "OGs"), col=1:2, pch=1, cex=2)

### All genes
#### Scree plots
fviz_eig(res_pca.all, main="All genes")
#### Feature contributions
             col.var = "contrib", # Color by contributions to the PC
             gradient.cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
             title="All genes",
             repel = TRUE     # Avoid text overlapping
#### Genes in the first three PCs
all_genes <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)
##### PC1 vs. PC2
     xlab="PC 1",
     ylab="PC 2",
     main="All genes",
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% NGs,1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% NGs,2],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% TSGs,1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% TSGs,2],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% OGs,1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% OGs,2],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[!(all_genes %in% c(NGs, TSGs, OGs)),1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[!(all_genes %in% c(NGs, TSGs, OGs)),2],
     col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.2)
##### PC1 vs. PC3
     xlab="PC 1",
     ylab="PC 3",
     main="All genes",
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% NGs,1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% NGs,3],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% TSGs,1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% TSGs,3],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% OGs,1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% OGs,3],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[!(all_genes %in% c(NGs, TSGs, OGs)),1],
     y=res_pca.all$x[!(all_genes %in% c(NGs, TSGs, OGs)),3],
     col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.2)
##### PC2 vs. PC3
     xlab="PC 2",
     ylab="PC 3",
     main="All genes",
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% NGs,2],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% NGs,3],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% TSGs,2],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% TSGs,3],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% OGs,2],
     y=res_pca.all$x[all_genes %in% OGs,3],
points(x=res_pca.all$x[!(all_genes %in% c(NGs, TSGs, OGs)),2],
     y=res_pca.all$x[!(all_genes %in% c(NGs, TSGs, OGs)),3],
     col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.2)
##### Legend
legend("center", c("NGs", "TSGs", "OGs", "others"), col=1:4, pch=1, cex=2)
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Define the training data for TSG and OG prediction

#################### NG vs. TSG ####################
x_TSG <- gene_by_feature_mat.TSG_train
y_TSG <- c(rep(0, length(NGs)), rep(1, length(TSGs)))

#################### NG vs. OG ####################
x_OG <- gene_by_feature_mat.OG_train
y_OG <- c(rep(0, length(NGs)), rep(1, length(OGs)))

# number of folds for cross validation
K <- 5

Divide data into K folds for cross validation

## Set seed

## A function to downsample the majority class 0 to be r-fold of the minority class 1
fun_downsample <- function(x, y, r) {
  # input: x (nxp features), y (n labels), r (ratio of class 0 over class 1)
  idx0 <- which(y==0)
  idx1 <- which(y==1)
  n0 <- length(idx0)
  n1 <- length(idx1)
  num_folds <- floor(n0/(n1*r))
  fold_idx <- sample(1:num_folds, size=n0, replace=T)
  downsamples <- lapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(k) {
  # output: sets of downsamples with class 0 indices

# Use K-fold cross-validation and three sample-size ratios (1:1, 5:1, original)

## Define the K folds
cv_TSG_idx <- sample(1:K, size=length(y_TSG), replace=T)
cv_OG_idx <- sample(1:K, size=length(y_OG), replace=T)

# Downsample class 0 in each (K-1) folds to NG:TSG = 5:1 and 1:1
## Each of the following lists has K elements, each of which is a list containing sets of indices of downsampled class 0 in the (K-1)-fold training data
cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51 <- vector("list", length=K)
cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11 <- vector("list", length=K)
for (k in 1:K) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- x_TSG[-test_idx,]
  y_train <- y_TSG[-test_idx]
  cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]] <- fun_downsample(x_train, y_train, r=5)
  cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]] <- fun_downsample(x_train, y_train, r=1)

cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51 <- vector("list", length=K)
cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11 <- vector("list", length=K)
for (k in 1:K) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- x_OG[-test_idx,]
  y_train <- y_OG[-test_idx]
  cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]] <- fun_downsample(x_train, y_train, r=5)
  cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]] <- fun_downsample(x_train, y_train, r=1)

save(cv_TSG_idx, cv_OG_idx, cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51, cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11, cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51, cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11, file="data/cv.Rdata")

Use multiple classification algorithms

# load the data assignment for cross validation

#################### NG vs. TSG ####################
## logistic regression without penalization
cv_TSG_lr <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- x_TSG[-test_idx,]
  x_test <- x_TSG[test_idx,]
  y_train <- y_TSG[-test_idx]
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  data_train <- x_train
  data_train$y <- y_train
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train)
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newdata=x_test, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    data_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    data_train.51$y <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train))
    lr_model.51 <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train.51)
    predict(lr_model.51, newdata=x_test, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    data_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    data_train.11$y <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train))
    lr_model.11 <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train.11)
    predict(lr_model.11, newdata=x_test, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_lr) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.7877109  0.7639108  0.6466197
## logistic regression with lasso penalization
### choose the lambda
lambda.lasso_TSG <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=as.factor(y_TSG), family="binomial", foldid=cv_TSG_idx)$lambda.min
cv_TSG_lr.lasso <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, family="binomial")
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.lasso_TSG, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.51 <- glmnet(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, family="binomial")
    predict(lr_model.51, newx=x_test, s=lambda.lasso_TSG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.11 <- glmnet(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, family="binomial")
    predict(lr_model.11, newx=x_test, s=lambda.lasso_TSG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_lr.lasso) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.8243703  0.8166442  0.7777212
## logistic regression with ridge penalization
### choose the lambda
lambda.ridge_TSG <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=as.factor(y_TSG), alpha=0, family="binomial", foldid=cv_TSG_idx)$lambda.min
cv_TSG_lr.ridge <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0, family="binomial")
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.ridge_TSG, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.51 <- glmnet(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, alpha=0, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.51, newx=x_test, s=lambda.ridge_TSG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.11 <- glmnet(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, alpha=0, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.11, newx=x_test, s=lambda.ridge_TSG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_lr.ridge) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.8307277  0.8251456  0.8113443
## logistic regression with elastic net penalization
### choose the lambda
lambda.enet_TSG <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=as.factor(y_TSG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial", foldid=cv_TSG_idx)$lambda.min
cv_TSG_lr.enet <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_TSG, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.51 <- glmnet(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.51, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_TSG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.11 <- glmnet(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.11, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_TSG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_lr.enet) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.8261951  0.8189385  0.7906728
## random forests
cv_TSG_rf <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  rf_model.orig <- randomForest(x=x_train, y=y_train, xtest=x_test)
  rf_pred.orig <- rf_model.orig$test$votes[,2]
  rf_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=rf_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  rf_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    rf_model.51 <- randomForest(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, xtest=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  rf_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=rf_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  rf_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    rf_model.11 <- randomForest(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, xtest=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  rf_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=rf_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(rf_prauc.orig, rf_prauc.51, rf_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_rf) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.8312065  0.8330591  0.7924915
## Scale the feature matrix
x_TSG_scaled <- scale(x_TSG)

## support vector machines with linear kernel
cv_TSG_svm.linear <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG_scaled[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG_scaled[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  svm_model.orig <- svm(x=x_train, y=y_train, kernel="linear", probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- predict(svm_model.orig, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- attr(svm_pred.orig, "probabilities")[,2]
  svm_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  svm_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.51 <- svm(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, kernel="linear", probability=T)
    svm_pred.51 <- predict(svm_model.51, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
    attr(svm_pred.51, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  svm_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.11 <- svm(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, kernel="linear", probability=T)
    svm_pred.11 <- predict(svm_model.11, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  attr(svm_pred.11, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(svm_prauc.orig, svm_prauc.51, svm_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_svm.linear) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.7807071  0.7848947  0.7592244
## support vector machines with Gaussian kernel
cv_TSG_svm.gauss <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG_scaled[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG_scaled[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  svm_model.orig <- svm(x=x_train, y=y_train, probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- predict(svm_model.orig, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- attr(svm_pred.orig, "probabilities")[,2]
  svm_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  svm_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.51 <- svm(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, probability=T)
    svm_pred.51 <- predict(svm_model.51, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
    attr(svm_pred.51, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  svm_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.11 <- svm(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, probability=T)
    svm_pred.11 <- predict(svm_model.11, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  attr(svm_pred.11, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(svm_prauc.orig, svm_prauc.51, svm_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_svm.gauss) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.8089388  0.8065896  0.7677630
## XGBoost
cv_TSG_xgboost <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG_scaled[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG_scaled[test_idx,])
  y_train <- y_TSG[-test_idx]
  y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  model.orig <- xgboost(data=x_train, label=y_train, max.depth=4, eta=1, nthread=detectCores()-1, nrounds=7, objective="binary:logistic", verbose=0)
  pred.orig <- predict(model.orig, newdata=x_test)
  prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)  
  ## NG:TSG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train))
    model.51 <- xgboost(data=x_train.51, label=y_train.51, max.depth=4, eta=1, nthread=detectCores()-1, nrounds=7, objective="binary:logistic", verbose=0)
    predict(model.51, newdata=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:TSG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_TSG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train))
    model.11 <- xgboost(data=x_train.11, label=y_train.11, max.depth=4, eta=1, nthread=detectCores()-1, nrounds=7, objective="binary:logistic", verbose=0)
    predict(model.11, newdata=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(prauc.orig, prauc.51, prauc.11))
rownames(cv_TSG_xgboost) <- c("original", "NG:TSG=5:1", "NG:TSG=1:1")
##   original NG:TSG=5:1 NG:TSG=1:1 
##  0.7577188  0.8204126  0.8089217
#################### NG vs. OG ####################
## logistic regression without penalization
cv_OG_lr <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- x_OG[-test_idx,]
  x_test <- x_OG[test_idx,]
  y_train <- y_OG[-test_idx]
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  data_train <- x_train
  data_train$y <- y_train
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train)
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newdata=x_test, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    data_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    data_train.51$y <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train))
    lr_model.51 <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train.51)
    predict(lr_model.51, newdata=x_test, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    data_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    data_train.11$y <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train))
    lr_model.11 <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train.11)
    predict(lr_model.11, newdata=x_test, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_lr) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7630464 0.7516829 0.6900168
## logistic regression with lasso penalization
### choose the lambda
lambda.lasso_OG <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=as.factor(y_OG), family="binomial", foldid=cv_OG_idx)$lambda.min
cv_OG_lr.lasso <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, family="binomial")
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.lasso_OG, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.51 <- glmnet(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, family="binomial")
    predict(lr_model.51, newx=x_test, s=lambda.lasso_OG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.11 <- glmnet(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, family="binomial")
    predict(lr_model.11, newx=x_test, s=lambda.lasso_OG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_lr.lasso) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7734708 0.7709969 0.7411683
## logistic regression with ridge penalization
### choose the lambda
lambda.ridge_OG <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=as.factor(y_OG), alpha=0, family="binomial", foldid=cv_OG_idx)$lambda.min
cv_OG_lr.ridge <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0, family="binomial")
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.ridge_OG, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.51 <- glmnet(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, alpha=0, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.51, newx=x_test, s=lambda.ridge_OG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.11 <- glmnet(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, alpha=0, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.11, newx=x_test, s=lambda.ridge_OG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_lr.ridge) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7601961 0.7400941 0.7061401
## logistic regression with elastic net penalization
### choose the lambda
lambda.enet_OG <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=as.factor(y_OG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial", foldid=cv_OG_idx)$lambda.min
cv_OG_lr.enet <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
  lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_OG, type="response")
  lr_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  lr_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.51 <- glmnet(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.51, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_OG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  lr_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    lr_model.11 <- glmnet(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    # use the same lambda
    predict(lr_model.11, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_OG, type="response")
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data
  lr_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral 
  return(c(lr_prauc.orig, lr_prauc.51, lr_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_lr.enet) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7716581 0.7681601 0.7365859
## random forests
cv_OG_rf <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  rf_model.orig <- randomForest(x=x_train, y=y_train, xtest=x_test)
  rf_pred.orig <- rf_model.orig$test$votes[,2]
  rf_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=rf_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  rf_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    rf_model.51 <- randomForest(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, xtest=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  rf_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=rf_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  rf_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    rf_model.11 <- randomForest(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, xtest=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  rf_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=rf_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(rf_prauc.orig, rf_prauc.51, rf_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_rf) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7670552 0.7666039 0.6969658
## Scale the feature matrix
x_OG_scaled <- scale(x_OG)

## support vector machines with linear kernel
cv_OG_svm.linear <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG_scaled[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG_scaled[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  svm_model.orig <- svm(x=x_train, y=y_train, kernel="linear", probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- predict(svm_model.orig, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- attr(svm_pred.orig, "probabilities")[,2]
  svm_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  svm_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.51 <- svm(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, kernel="linear", probability=T)
    svm_pred.51 <- predict(svm_model.51, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
    attr(svm_pred.51, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  svm_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.11 <- svm(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, kernel="linear", probability=T)
    svm_pred.11 <- predict(svm_model.11, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  attr(svm_pred.11, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(svm_prauc.orig, svm_prauc.51, svm_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_svm.linear) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7545478 0.7610895 0.7379529
## support vector machines with Gaussian kernel
cv_OG_svm.gauss <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG_scaled[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG_scaled[test_idx,])
  y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  svm_model.orig <- svm(x=x_train, y=y_train, probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- predict(svm_model.orig, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  svm_pred.orig <- attr(svm_pred.orig, "probabilities")[,2]
  svm_prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  svm_pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.51 <- svm(x=x_train.51, y=y_train.51, probability=T)
    svm_pred.51 <- predict(svm_model.51, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
    attr(svm_pred.51, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  svm_pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- as.factor(c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train)))
    svm_model.11 <- svm(x=x_train.11, y=y_train.11, probability=T)
    svm_pred.11 <- predict(svm_model.11, newdata=x_test, probability=T)
  attr(svm_pred.11, "probabilities")[,2]
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  svm_prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=svm_pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(svm_prauc.orig, svm_prauc.51, svm_prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_svm.gauss) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7754669 0.7331308 0.6570450
## XGBoost
cv_OG_xgboost <- sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
  test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
  x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG_scaled[-test_idx,])
  x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG_scaled[test_idx,])
  y_train <- y_OG[-test_idx]
  y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]
  ## original sample ratio
  model.orig <- xgboost(data=x_train, label=y_train, max.depth=4, eta=1, nthread=detectCores()-1, nrounds=7, objective="binary:logistic", verbose=0)
  pred.orig <- predict(model.orig, newdata=x_test)
  prauc.orig <- pr.curve(scores.class0=pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  idx0_train <- which(y_train==0)
  idx1_train <- which(y_train==1)
  n1_train <- length(idx1_train)  
  ## NG:OG = 5:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]])
  pred.51 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.51 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.51[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.51 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.51,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.51 <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.51)), rep(1, n1_train))
    model.51 <- xgboost(data=x_train.51, label=y_train.51, max.depth=4, eta=1, nthread=detectCores()-1, nrounds=7, objective="binary:logistic", verbose=0)
    predict(model.51, newdata=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  prauc.51 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=pred.51, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  ## NG:OG = 1:1
  num_folds <- length(cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]])
  pred.11 <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(mclapply(1:num_folds, FUN=function(i) {
    idx0_train.11 <- idx0_train[cv_OG_downsample_idx0.11[[k]][[i]]]
    x_train.11 <- rbind(x_train[idx0_train.11,], x_train[idx1_train,])
    y_train.11 <- c(rep(0, length(idx0_train.11)), rep(1, n1_train))
    model.11 <- xgboost(data=x_train.11, label=y_train.11, max.depth=4, eta=1, nthread=detectCores()-1, nrounds=7, objective="binary:logistic", verbose=0)
    predict(model.11, newdata=x_test)
  }, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)), ncol=num_folds)) # average predicted probabilities over num_folds divisions of class 0 training data  
  prauc.11 <- pr.curve(scores.class0=pred.11, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
  return(c(prauc.orig, prauc.51, prauc.11))
rownames(cv_OG_xgboost) <- c("original", "NG:OG=5:1", "NG:OG=1:1")
##  original NG:OG=5:1 NG:OG=1:1 
## 0.7096251 0.7701690 0.7536511

Based on the above results, first use logistic regression to train a classifier

data_TSG <- x_TSG
data_TSG$y <- y_TSG
TSG.classifier <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_TSG)
TSG.prediction <- predict(TSG.classifier, newdata=gene_by_feature_mat, type="response")

data_OG <- x_OG
data_OG$y <- y_OG
OG.classifier <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_OG, control=glm.control(maxit=50))
OG.prediction <- predict(OG.classifier, newdata=gene_by_feature_mat, type="response")

# Visualize the predicted probabilities
# distribution of TSG predictions
# distribution of OG predictions
# compare TSG predictions with OG predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction, y=OG.prediction, col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# jittered version
plot(x=jitter(TSG.prediction, factor=0.3), y=jitter(OG.prediction, factor=0.3), col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# locate training NGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction, y=OG.prediction, type="n", main="NGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction[NGs], y=OG.prediction[NGs], col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training TSGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction, y=OG.prediction, type="n", main="TSGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction[TSGs], y=OG.prediction[TSGs], col=adjustcolor("red", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training OGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction, y=OG.prediction, type="n", main="OGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction[OGs], y=OG.prediction[OGs], col=adjustcolor("green", alpha.f=0.2))
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Next try: ridge

### a function to process the coefficient output by glmnet
proc_glmnet_coef_output <- function(glmnet_coef) {
  tmp <-
  feature_names <- rownames(tmp)
  tmp <- tmp[-1,] # remove intercept
  feature_names <- feature_names[-1]
  feature_order <- order(abs(tmp), decreasing=T)
  output <- data.frame(Coefficient=tmp[feature_order])
  rownames(output) <- feature_names[feature_order]

TSG.classifier_ridge <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=as.factor(y_TSG), alpha=0, family="binomial")
TSG.prediction_ridge <- predict(TSG.classifier_ridge, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat), s=lambda.ridge_TSG, type="response")
names(TSG.prediction_ridge) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)
## selected features
TSG.features_ridge <- proc_glmnet_coef_output(coef(TSG.classifier_ridge, s=lambda.ridge_TSG))
write.csv(x=TSG.features_ridge, quote=F, file="tables/TSG_selected_features-lr_ridge.csv")

OG.classifier_ridge <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=as.factor(y_OG), alpha=0, family="binomial")
OG.prediction_ridge <- predict(OG.classifier_ridge, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat), s=lambda.ridge_OG, type="response")
names(OG.prediction_ridge) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)
## selected features
OG.features_ridge <- proc_glmnet_coef_output(coef(OG.classifier_ridge, s=lambda.ridge_OG))
write.csv(x=OG.features_ridge, quote=F, file="tables/OG_selected_features-lr_ridge.csv")

# Visualize the predicted probabilities
# distribution of TSG predictions
# distribution of OG predictions
# compare TSG predictions with OG predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_ridge, y=OG.prediction_ridge, col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# jittered version
plot(x=jitter(TSG.prediction_ridge, factor=0.3), y=jitter(OG.prediction_ridge, factor=0.3), col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# locate training NGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_ridge, y=OG.prediction_ridge, type="n", main="NGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_ridge[NGs], y=OG.prediction_ridge[NGs], col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training TSGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_ridge, y=OG.prediction_ridge, type="n", main="TSGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_ridge[TSGs], y=OG.prediction_ridge[TSGs], col=adjustcolor("red", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training OGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_ridge, y=OG.prediction_ridge, type="n", main="OGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_ridge[OGs], y=OG.prediction_ridge[OGs], col=adjustcolor("green", alpha.f=0.2))
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Try lasso and elastic net to further confirm that elastic net is a reasonable approach, consistent with its best performance in the PR-AUC result

TSG.classifier_lasso <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=as.factor(y_TSG), alpha=1, family="binomial")
TSG.prediction_lasso <- predict(TSG.classifier_lasso, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat), s=lambda.lasso_TSG, type="response")
names(TSG.prediction_lasso) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)
## selected features
TSG.features_lasso <- proc_glmnet_coef_output(coef(TSG.classifier_lasso, s=lambda.lasso_TSG))
write.csv(x=TSG.features_lasso, quote=F, file="tables/TSG_selected_features-lr_lasso.csv")

OG.classifier_lasso <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=as.factor(y_OG), alpha=1, family="binomial")
OG.prediction_lasso <- predict(OG.classifier_lasso, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat), s=lambda.lasso_OG, type="response")
names(OG.prediction_lasso) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)
## selected features
OG.features_lasso <- proc_glmnet_coef_output(coef(OG.classifier_lasso, s=lambda.lasso_OG))
write.csv(x=OG.features_lasso, quote=F, file="tables/OG_selected_features-lr_lasso.csv")

# Visualize the predicted probabilities
# distribution of TSG predictions
# distribution of OG predictions
# compare TSG predictions with OG predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_lasso, y=OG.prediction_lasso, col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# jittered version
plot(x=jitter(TSG.prediction_lasso, factor=0.3), y=jitter(OG.prediction_lasso, factor=0.3), col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# locate training NGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_lasso, y=OG.prediction_lasso, type="n", main="NGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_lasso[NGs], y=OG.prediction_lasso[NGs], col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training TSGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_lasso, y=OG.prediction_lasso, type="n", main="TSGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_lasso[TSGs], y=OG.prediction_lasso[TSGs], col=adjustcolor("red", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training OGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_lasso, y=OG.prediction_lasso, type="n", main="OGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_lasso[OGs], y=OG.prediction_lasso[OGs], col=adjustcolor("green", alpha.f=0.2))
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2
TSG.classifier_enet <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=as.factor(y_TSG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
TSG.prediction_enet <- predict(TSG.classifier_enet, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat), s=lambda.enet_TSG, type="response")
names(TSG.prediction_enet) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)
## selected features
TSG.features_enet <- proc_glmnet_coef_output(coef(TSG.classifier_enet, s=lambda.enet_TSG))
write.csv(x=TSG.features_enet, quote=F, file="tables/TSG_selected_features-lr_enet.csv")

OG.classifier_enet <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=as.factor(y_OG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
OG.prediction_enet <- predict(OG.classifier_enet, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat), s=lambda.enet_OG, type="response")
names(OG.prediction_enet) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)
## selected features
OG.features_enet <- proc_glmnet_coef_output(coef(OG.classifier_enet, s=lambda.enet_OG))
write.csv(x=OG.features_enet, quote=F, file="tables/OG_selected_features-lr_enet.csv")

# Visualize the predicted probabilities
# distribution of TSG predictions
# distribution of OG predictions
# compare TSG predictions with OG predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_enet, y=OG.prediction_enet, col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# jittered version
plot(x=jitter(TSG.prediction_enet, factor=0.3), y=jitter(OG.prediction_enet, factor=0.3), col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.05))
# locate training NGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_enet, y=OG.prediction_enet, type="n", main="NGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_enet[NGs], y=OG.prediction_enet[NGs], col=adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training TSGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_enet, y=OG.prediction_enet, type="n", main="TSGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_enet[TSGs], y=OG.prediction_enet[TSGs], col=adjustcolor("red", alpha.f=0.2))
# locate training OGs in the predictions
plot(x=TSG.prediction_enet, y=OG.prediction_enet, type="n", main="OGs")
points(x=TSG.prediction_enet[OGs], y=OG.prediction_enet[OGs], col=adjustcolor("green", alpha.f=0.2))
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Decide to use elastic net for prediction

# Write the TSG prediction results to a file
TSG.prediction_enet <-, decreasing=T))
colnames(TSG.prediction_enet) <- "TSG probability"
write.csv(x=TSG.prediction_enet, quote=F, file="tables/TSG_prediction-lr_enet.csv")


# if we set the threshold, check the overlap with training TSGs
TSG_recall <- NULL
for (t in seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)) {
  cat("Threshold: ")
  cat("Number of predicted TSGs: ")
  TSGs.predicted <- rownames(TSG.prediction_enet)[TSG.prediction_enet[,1]>=t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(TSGs.predicted, TSGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training TSGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(TSGs.predicted, TSGs))/length(TSGs))
  TSG_recall <- c(TSG_recall, length(intersect(TSGs.predicted, TSGs))/length(TSGs))
  nonTSGs.predicted <- rownames(TSG.prediction_enet)[TSG.prediction_enet[,1]<t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonTSGs.predicted, NGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonTSGs.predicted, NGs))/length(NGs))
## Threshold: 0.1
## Number of predicted TSGs: 3817
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 215
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.8884298
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 3863
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9519468
## Threshold: 0.2
## Number of predicted TSGs: 2528
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 200
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.8264463
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 3983
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.981518
## Threshold: 0.3
## Number of predicted TSGs: 1914
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 184
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.7603306
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4019
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9903894
## Threshold: 0.4
## Number of predicted TSGs: 1505
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 172
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.7107438
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4032
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9935929
## Threshold: 0.5
## Number of predicted TSGs: 1227
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 165
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.6818182
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4038
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9950715
## Threshold: 0.6
## Number of predicted TSGs: 980
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 154
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.6363636
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4046
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9970429
## Threshold: 0.7
## Number of predicted TSGs: 738
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 138
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.5702479
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4055
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9992607
## Threshold: 0.8
## Number of predicted TSGs: 524
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 115
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.4752066
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4056
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9995071
## Threshold: 0.9
## Number of predicted TSGs: 322
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 96
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.3966942
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4058
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 1
plot(x=seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1), y=TSG_recall, xlab="threshold", ylab="recall", main="TSG prediction")
plot(x=seq(0.2, 0.9, by=0.1), y=TSG_recall[1:8]-TSG_recall[2:9], xlab="threshold", ylab="recall diff", main="TSG prediction")


# Write the OG prediction results to a file
OG.prediction_enet <-, decreasing=T))
colnames(OG.prediction_enet) <- "OG probability"
write.csv(x=OG.prediction_enet, quote=F, file="tables/OG_prediction-lr_enet.csv")


# if we set the threshold, check the overlap with training OGs
OG_recall <- NULL
for (t in seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)) {
  cat("Threshold: ")
  cat("Number of predicted OGs: ")
  OGs.predicted <- rownames(OG.prediction_enet)[OG.prediction_enet[,1]>=t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(OGs.predicted, OGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training OGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(OGs.predicted, OGs))/length(OGs))
  OG_recall <- c(OG_recall, length(intersect(OGs.predicted, OGs))/length(OGs))
  nonOGs.predicted <- rownames(OG.prediction_enet)[OG.prediction_enet[,1]<t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonOGs.predicted, NGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonOGs.predicted, NGs))/length(NGs))
## Threshold: 0.1
## Number of predicted OGs: 3273
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 209
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.8708333
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 3844
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9472647
## Threshold: 0.2
## Number of predicted OGs: 2102
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 190
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.7916667
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 3956
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9748645
## Threshold: 0.3
## Number of predicted OGs: 1601
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 180
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.75
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4001
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9859537
## Threshold: 0.4
## Number of predicted OGs: 1262
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 166
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.6916667
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4027
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9923608
## Threshold: 0.5
## Number of predicted OGs: 1019
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 154
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.6416667
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4038
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9950715
## Threshold: 0.6
## Number of predicted OGs: 822
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 136
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.5666667
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4047
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9972893
## Threshold: 0.7
## Number of predicted OGs: 654
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 118
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.4916667
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4053
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9987679
## Threshold: 0.8
## Number of predicted OGs: 508
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 103
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.4291667
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4055
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9992607
## Threshold: 0.9
## Number of predicted OGs: 338
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 81
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.3375
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4058
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 1
plot(x=seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1), y=OG_recall, xlab="threshold", ylab="recall", main="OG prediction")
plot(x=seq(0.2, 0.9, by=0.1), y=OG_recall[1:8]-OG_recall[2:9], xlab="threshold", ylab="recall diff", main="OG prediction")


# use the NP classification to decide the threshold based on alpha=0.001

TSG.np_0.01 <-mean(np.lr_enet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=y_TSG, alpha=0.01, delta=0.1, lambda=lambda.enet_TSG))

TSG.np_0.005 <-mean(np.lr_enet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG), y=y_TSG, alpha=0.005, delta=0.1, lambda=lambda.enet_TSG))

for (t in c(TSG.np_0.01, TSG.np_0.005)) {
  cat("Threshold: ")
  cat("Number of predicted TSGs: ")
  TSGs.predicted <- rownames(TSG.prediction_enet)[TSG.prediction_enet[,1]>=t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(TSGs.predicted, TSGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training TSGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(TSGs.predicted, TSGs))/length(TSGs))
  nonTSGs.predicted <- rownames(TSG.prediction_enet)[TSG.prediction_enet[,1]<t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonTSGs.predicted, NGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonTSGs.predicted, NGs))/length(NGs))
## Threshold: 0.6233374
## Number of predicted TSGs: 925
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 153
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.6322314
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4047
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9972893
## Threshold: 0.8134579
## Number of predicted TSGs: 498
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 113
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.4669421
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4056
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9995071
# OG
OG.np_0.01 <-mean(np.lr_enet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=y_OG, alpha=0.01, delta=0.1, lambda=lambda.enet_OG))

OG.np_0.005 <-mean(np.lr_enet(x=as.matrix(x_OG), y=y_OG, alpha=0.005, delta=0.1, lambda=lambda.enet_OG))

for (t in c(OG.np_0.01, OG.np_0.005)) {
  cat("Threshold: ")
  cat("Number of predicted OGs: ")
  OGs.predicted <- rownames(OG.prediction_enet)[OG.prediction_enet[,1]>=t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(OGs.predicted, OGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training OGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(OGs.predicted, OGs))/length(OGs))
  nonOGs.predicted <- rownames(OG.prediction_enet)[OG.prediction_enet[,1]<t]
  cat("Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonOGs.predicted, NGs)))
  cat("% of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
  cat(length(intersect(nonOGs.predicted, NGs))/length(NGs))
## Threshold: 0.6761319
## Number of predicted OGs: 683
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 121
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.5041667
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4053
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9987679
## Threshold: 0.8471042
## Number of predicted OGs: 435
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 99
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.4125
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4056
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9995071

Output precision-recall curves and predictions for feature subsets

TSG_feature_subsets <- vector("list", length=0)
TSG_feature_subsets[[1]] <- c(1:28, 42:46)
TSG_feature_subsets[[2]] <- c(29:33, 47:53)
TSG_feature_subsets[[3]] <- c(35:37)
TSG_feature_subsets[[4]] <- c(34, 38:41, 54:75)
TSG_feature_subsets[[5]] <- c(29:41, 47:75)
TSG_feature_subsets[[6]] <- c(1:28, 34:46, 54:75)
TSG_feature_subsets[[7]] <- c(1:34, 38:75)
TSG_feature_subsets[[8]] <- c(1:33, 35:37, 42:53)
TSG_feature_subsets[[9]] <- c(37)
TSG_feature_subsets[[10]] <- c(12, 13, 15)
TSG_feature_subsets[[11]] <- 1:ncol(gene_by_feature_mat)
names(TSG_feature_subsets) <- c("Mutation", "Genomics", "Phenotype", "Epigenetics", "wo_Mutation", "wo_Genomics", "wo_Phenotype", "wo_Epigenetics", "CRISPR-only", "TUSON-TSG", "All")

# CV for PR cures
lambda.enet_TSG.list <- mclapply(1:length(TSG_feature_subsets), FUN=function(i) {
  ### features in group i
  features_i <- TSG_feature_subsets[[i]]
  if (length(features_i) > 1) {
    ### choose the lambda
    lambda.enet <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG[,features_i]), y=as.factor(y_TSG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial", foldid=cv_TSG_idx)$lambda.min
  } else {
}, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)
TSG.predictions <- mclapply(1:length(TSG_feature_subsets), FUN=function(i) {
  ### features in group i
  features_i <- TSG_feature_subsets[[i]]
  ### predicted probabilities
  TSG.prediction <- rep(NA, length(y_TSG))
  for (k in 1:K) {
    test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
    x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG[-test_idx, features_i])
    x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG[test_idx, features_i])
    y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])

    if (length(features_i) > 1) {
      TSG.classifier <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
      TSG.prediction[test_idx] <- predict(TSG.classifier, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_TSG.list[[i]], type="response")
    } else {
      data_train <- data.frame(x=x_TSG[-test_idx, features_i], y=y_TSG[-test_idx])
      data_test <- data.frame(x=x_TSG[test_idx, features_i], y=y_TSG[test_idx])
      TSG.classifier <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train)
      TSG.prediction[test_idx] <- predict(TSG.classifier, newdata=data_test, type="response")
}, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)
names(TSG.predictions) <- names(TSG_feature_subsets)

save(TSG.predictions, y_TSG, file="intermediate_output/TSG.rdata")

## check the AUPRC
sapply(TSG.predictions, FUN=function(x) pr.curve(scores.class0=x, weights.class0=y_TSG)$auc.integral)
##       Mutation       Genomics      Phenotype    Epigenetics    wo_Mutation 
##      0.6381971      0.3142571      0.3582579      0.5999107      0.6919020 
##    wo_Genomics   wo_Phenotype wo_Epigenetics    CRISPR-only      TUSON-TSG 
##      0.8188356      0.8196809      0.7149658      0.1555485      0.4975202 
##            All 
##      0.8208121
# OG
OG_feature_subsets <- vector("list", length=0)
OG_feature_subsets[[1]] <- c(1:28, 42:46)
OG_feature_subsets[[2]] <- c(29:33, 47:53)
OG_feature_subsets[[3]] <- c(35:37)
OG_feature_subsets[[4]] <- c(34, 38:41, 54:75)
OG_feature_subsets[[5]] <- c(29:41, 47:75)
OG_feature_subsets[[6]] <- c(1:28, 34:46, 54:75)
OG_feature_subsets[[7]] <- c(1:34, 38:75)
OG_feature_subsets[[8]] <- c(1:33, 35:37, 42:53)
OG_feature_subsets[[9]] <- c(37)
OG_feature_subsets[[10]] <- c(7, 15)
OG_feature_subsets[[11]] <- 1:ncol(gene_by_feature_mat)
names(OG_feature_subsets) <- c("Mutation", "Genomics", "Phenotype", "Epigenetics", "wo_Mutation", "wo_Genomics", "wo_Phenotype", "wo_Epigenetics", "CRISPR-only", "TUSON-OG", "All")

# CV for PR curves
lambda.enet_OG.list <- mclapply(1:length(OG_feature_subsets), FUN=function(i) {
  ### features in group i
  features_i <- OG_feature_subsets[[i]]
  if (length(features_i) > 1) {
    ### choose the lambda
    lambda.enet <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG[,features_i]), y=as.factor(y_OG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial", foldid=cv_OG_idx)$lambda.min
  } else {
}, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)
OG.predictions <- mclapply(1:length(OG_feature_subsets), FUN=function(i) {
  ### features in group i
  features_i <- OG_feature_subsets[[i]]
  ### predicted probabilities
  OG.prediction <- rep(NA, length(y_OG))
  for (k in 1:K) {
    test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
    x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG[-test_idx, features_i])
    x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG[test_idx, features_i])
    y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])

    if (length(features_i) > 1) {
      OG.classifier <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
      OG.prediction[test_idx] <- predict(OG.classifier, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet_OG.list[[i]], type="response")
    } else {
      data_train <- data.frame(x=x_OG[-test_idx, features_i], y=y_OG[-test_idx])
      data_test <- data.frame(x=x_OG[test_idx, features_i], y=y_OG[test_idx])
      OG.classifier <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train)
      OG.prediction[test_idx] <- predict(OG.classifier, newdata=data_test, type="response")
}, mc.cores=detectCores()-1)
names(OG.predictions) <- names(OG_feature_subsets)

save(OG.predictions, y_OG, file="intermediate_output/OG.rdata")

## check the AUPRC
sapply(OG.predictions, FUN=function(x) pr.curve(scores.class0=x, weights.class0=y_OG)$auc.integral)
##       Mutation       Genomics      Phenotype    Epigenetics    wo_Mutation 
##      0.6603385      0.2988641      0.2410018      0.2953235      0.4533955 
##    wo_Genomics   wo_Phenotype wo_Epigenetics    CRISPR-only       TUSON-OG 
##      0.7517537      0.7633064      0.7048972      0.0893529      0.5343165 
##            All 
##      0.7655374
# for two feature subsets, obtain their predicted probabilities for TSGs and OGs
for (i in c(4,8,9)) {
  # TSG
  ### features in group i
  features_i <- TSG_feature_subsets[[i]]
  group_name <- names(TSG_feature_subsets)[i]

  if (length(features_i) > 1) {
    x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG[,features_i])
    y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG)
    ### choose the lambda
    lambda.enet <- lambda.enet_TSG.list[[i]]
    TSG.classifier <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    TSG.prediction <- predict(TSG.classifier, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat[,features_i]), s=lambda.enet, type="response")

    TSG.np_0.01 <- mean(np.lr_enet(x=x_train, y=y_TSG, alpha=0.01, delta=0.1, lambda=lambda.enet))
  } else {
    data_train <- data.frame(x=as.matrix(x_TSG[, features_i]), y=y_TSG)
    data_test <- data.frame(x=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat[,features_i]))
    TSG.classifier <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train)
    TSG.prediction <- predict(TSG.classifier, newdata=data_test, type="response")

    TSG.np_0.01 <- mean(, alpha=0.01, delta=0.1))
  order.ind <- order(TSG.prediction, decreasing=T)
  TSG.prediction <- matrix(TSG.prediction[order.ind], ncol=1)
  rownames(TSG.prediction) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)[order.ind]
  for (t in c(TSG.np_0.01)) {
    cat("Threshold: ")
    cat("Number of predicted TSGs: ")
    TSGs.predicted <- rownames(TSG.prediction)[TSG.prediction[,1]>=t]
    cat("Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(TSGs.predicted, TSGs)))
    cat("% of correctedly predicted training TSGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(TSGs.predicted, TSGs))/length(TSGs))
    nonTSGs.predicted <- rownames(TSG.prediction)[TSG.prediction[,1]<t]
    cat("Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(nonTSGs.predicted, NGs)))
    cat("% of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(nonTSGs.predicted, NGs))/length(NGs))
  # Write the TSG prediction results to a file
  TSG.prediction <-
  colnames(TSG.prediction) <- "TSG probability"
  write.csv(x=TSG.prediction, quote=F, file=paste0("tables/TSG_prediction-lr_enet.", group_name, ".csv"))
  TSG.prediction_thre <- TSG.prediction[TSG.prediction[,1]>=t, , drop=F]
  write.csv(x=TSG.prediction_thre, quote=F, file=paste0("tables/TSG_prediction-lr_enet.", group_name, ".FPR=0.01.csv"))
  # OG
  ### features in group i
  features_i <- OG_feature_subsets[[i]]
  group_name <- names(OG_feature_subsets)[i]

  if (length(features_i) > 1) {
    x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG[,features_i])
    y_train <- as.factor(y_OG)
    ### choose the lambda
    lambda.enet <- lambda.enet_OG.list[[i]]
    OG.classifier <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    OG.prediction <- predict(OG.classifier, newx=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat[,features_i]), s=lambda.enet, type="response")
    OG.np_0.01 <- mean(np.lr_enet(x=x_train, y=y_OG, alpha=0.01, delta=0.1, lambda=lambda.enet))
  } else {
    data_train <- data.frame(x=as.matrix(x_OG[, features_i]), y=y_OG)
    data_test <- data.frame(x=as.matrix(gene_by_feature_mat[,features_i]))
    OG.classifier <- glm(y~., family=binomial(), data=data_train)
    OG.prediction <- predict(OG.classifier, newdata=data_test, type="response")
    OG.np_0.01 <- mean(, alpha=0.01, delta=0.1))

  order.ind <- order(OG.prediction, decreasing=T)
  OG.prediction <- matrix(OG.prediction[order.ind], ncol=1)
  rownames(OG.prediction) <- rownames(gene_by_feature_mat)[order.ind]
  for (t in c(OG.np_0.01)) {
    cat("Threshold: ")
    cat("Number of predicted OGs: ")
    OGs.predicted <- rownames(OG.prediction)[OG.prediction[,1]>=t]
    cat("Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(OGs.predicted, OGs)))
    cat("% of correctedly predicted training OGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(OGs.predicted, OGs))/length(OGs))
    nonOGs.predicted <- rownames(OG.prediction)[OG.prediction[,1]<t]
    cat("Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(nonOGs.predicted, NGs)))
    cat("% of correctedly predicted training NGs: ")
    cat(length(intersect(nonOGs.predicted, NGs))/length(NGs))
  # Write the OG prediction results to a file
  OG.prediction <-
  colnames(OG.prediction) <- "OG probability"
  write.csv(x=OG.prediction, quote=F, file=paste0("tables/OG_prediction-lr_enet.", group_name, ".csv"))

  OG.prediction_thre <- OG.prediction[OG.prediction[,1]>=t, , drop=F]
  write.csv(x=OG.prediction_thre, quote=F, file=paste0("tables/OG_prediction-lr_enet.", group_name, ".FPR=0.01.csv"))
## ######
## TSG
## Epigenetics
## Threshold: 0.7200284
## Number of predicted TSGs: 523
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 56
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.231405
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4051
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.998275
## ######
## OG
## Epigenetics
## Threshold: 0.5576117
## Number of predicted OGs: 480
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 30
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.125
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4050
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9980286
## ######
## TSG
## wo_Epigenetics
## Threshold: 0.5576767
## Number of predicted TSGs: 715
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 115
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.4752066
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4051
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.998275
## ######
## OG
## wo_Epigenetics
## Threshold: 0.5967629
## Number of predicted OGs: 517
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 116
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.4833333
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4048
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9975357
## ######
## TSG
## CRISPR-only
## Threshold: 0.3935418
## Number of predicted TSGs: 442
## Number of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 14
## % of correctedly predicted training TSGs: 0.05785124
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4045
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.9967965
## ######
## OG
## CRISPR-only
## Threshold: 0.2615367
## Number of predicted OGs: 221
## Number of correctedly predicted training OGs: 3
## % of correctedly predicted training OGs: 0.0125
## Number of correctedly predicted training NGs: 4051
## % of correctedly predicted training NGs: 0.998275

Cluster features based on their pairwise Pearson correlations

hclust_results <- hclust(as.dist(1-abs(cor(gene_by_feature_mat))))
# distribution of the heights at which merges occur

## most merges occur at or after height = 0.9, use height = 0.9 to cut the tree
group_idx <- cutree(hclust_results, h=0.9)
# display the feature groups
for (i in 1:length(unique(group_idx))) {
  cat("Feature group")
  cat(names(group_idx)[group_idx == i], sep="\n")
## Feature group1
## Silent_mutations_kb
## Silent_fraction
## Feature group2
## log_Total_N_missense_mutations
## log_Total_N_LoF_mutations
## PolyPhen_2_score
## log_gene_length
## log_CDS_length
## pLI_score
## pNull_score
## Missense_o_e_constraint
## LoF_o_e_constraint
## RVIS_percentile
## ncGERP_score
## Feature group3
## log_Total_N_of_splicing_mutations
## Splice_silent_ratio
## Splice_benign_ratio
## Splice_total_ratio
## Feature group4
## Missense_mutations_kb
## Missense_entropy
## Missense_silent_ratio
## HiFI_missense_LoFI_missense_ratio
## Missense_benign_ratio
## Missense_damaging_benign_ratio
## NonSilent_silent_ratio
## Feature group5
## LoF_mutations_kb
## LOF_silent_ratio
## LOF_benign_ratio
## LOF_total_ratio
## LOF_missense_ratio
## Frameshift_indel_fraction
## Inactivating_fraction
## Feature group6
## Missense_total_ratio
## CNA_deletion_percentage
## Feature group7
## Nonsense_fraction
## Feature group8
## Recurrent_missense_fraction
## Feature group9
## Inframe_indel_fraction
## Feature group10
## Lost_start_and_stop_fraction
## Feature group11
## Exon_conservation_phastCons_score
## Missense_MGAentropy
## VEST_score
## Gene_age
## Family_member_count
## Feature group12
## Early_replication_timing
## Super_enhancer_percentage
## Feature group13
## Gene_expression_Z_score
## Increase_of_cell_proliferation_by_CRISPR_Knock_down
## Feature group14
## Promoter_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Gene_body_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Feature group15
## Gene_body_canyon_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Feature group16
## Synonymous_o_e_constraint
## Feature group17
## Primate_dN_dS_ratio
## Feature group18
## Gene_damage_index
## ncRVIS_score
## Feature group19
## H3K4me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me3_peaks
## H3K4me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me2_peaks
## H3K4me1_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me1_peaks
## H3K36me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K36me3_peaks
## H3K27ac_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K27ac_peaks
## H3K9ac_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9ac_peaks
## H3K79me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K79me2_peaks
## H4K20me1_peak_length
## Height_of_H4K20me1_peaks
## Feature group20
## H3K27me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K27me3_peaks
## H3K9me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9me3_peaks
## H3K9me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9me2_peaks
############# TSG prediction ############
# the PR-AUC values of using all feature groups
TSG.prauc.all <- rowMeans(cv_TSG_lr.enet)[1]
# leave one feature group out at a time, report the resulting 5-fold CV PR-AUC values 
TSG.prauc.loo <- unlist(mclapply(1:length(unique(group_idx)), FUN=function(i) {
  ### features not in group i
  features_i <- names(group_idx)[group_idx != i]
  ### choose the lambda
  lambda.enet <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_TSG[,features_i]), y=as.factor(y_TSG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial", foldid=cv_TSG_idx)$lambda.min
  ### 5-fold CV
  mean(sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
    test_idx <- which(cv_TSG_idx == k)
    x_train <- as.matrix(x_TSG[-test_idx, features_i])
    x_test <- as.matrix(x_TSG[test_idx, features_i])
    y_train <- as.factor(y_TSG[-test_idx])
    y_test <- y_TSG[test_idx]

    lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet, type="response")
    pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
}, mc.cores=detectCores()-1))
# show the reduction

# display the ordered feature groups
for (i in (1:length(unique(group_idx)))[order(TSG.prauc.loo)]) {
  cat("Feature group ")
  cat(names(group_idx)[group_idx == i], sep="\n")
## Feature group 19 0.07279693
## H3K4me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me3_peaks
## H3K4me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me2_peaks
## H3K4me1_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me1_peaks
## H3K36me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K36me3_peaks
## H3K27ac_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K27ac_peaks
## H3K9ac_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9ac_peaks
## H3K79me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K79me2_peaks
## H4K20me1_peak_length
## Height_of_H4K20me1_peaks
## Feature group 11 0.00787951
## Exon_conservation_phastCons_score
## Missense_MGAentropy
## VEST_score
## Gene_age
## Family_member_count
## Feature group 4  0.005720809
## Missense_mutations_kb
## Missense_entropy
## Missense_silent_ratio
## HiFI_missense_LoFI_missense_ratio
## Missense_benign_ratio
## Missense_damaging_benign_ratio
## NonSilent_silent_ratio
## Feature group 16 0.003157782
## Synonymous_o_e_constraint
## Feature group 5  0.002970547
## LoF_mutations_kb
## LOF_silent_ratio
## LOF_benign_ratio
## LOF_total_ratio
## LOF_missense_ratio
## Frameshift_indel_fraction
## Inactivating_fraction
## Feature group 2  0.002271922
## log_Total_N_missense_mutations
## log_Total_N_LoF_mutations
## PolyPhen_2_score
## log_gene_length
## log_CDS_length
## pLI_score
## pNull_score
## Missense_o_e_constraint
## LoF_o_e_constraint
## RVIS_percentile
## ncGERP_score
## Feature group 20 0.001675169
## H3K27me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K27me3_peaks
## H3K9me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9me3_peaks
## H3K9me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9me2_peaks
## Feature group 6  0.001295932
## Missense_total_ratio
## CNA_deletion_percentage
## Feature group 12 0.001290016
## Early_replication_timing
## Super_enhancer_percentage
## Feature group 13 0.001234784
## Gene_expression_Z_score
## Increase_of_cell_proliferation_by_CRISPR_Knock_down
## Feature group 14 0.0006830161
## Promoter_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Gene_body_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Feature group 18 0.0005982356
## Gene_damage_index
## ncRVIS_score
## Feature group 8  0.0004211863
## Recurrent_missense_fraction
## Feature group 9  0.0002092921
## Inframe_indel_fraction
## Feature group 1  7.520071e-06
## Silent_mutations_kb
## Silent_fraction
## Feature group 10 0
## Lost_start_and_stop_fraction
## Feature group 15 0
## Gene_body_canyon_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Feature group 17 0
## Primate_dN_dS_ratio
## Feature group 7  -6.252719e-05
## Nonsense_fraction
## Feature group 3  -0.0004343146
## log_Total_N_of_splicing_mutations
## Splice_silent_ratio
## Splice_benign_ratio
## Splice_total_ratio
TSG.num_top_feature_groups <- sum(TSG.prauc.all-TSG.prauc.loo >= 0.005)
cat(paste("The top", TSG.num_top_feature_groups, "groups have at least 0.005 reduction in CV AUPRC\n"))
## The top 3 groups have at least 0.005 reduction in CV AUPRC
############# OG prediction ############
# the PR-AUC values of using all feature groups
OG.prauc.all <- rowMeans(cv_OG_lr.enet)[1]
# leave one feature group out at a time, report the resulting 5-fold CV PR-AUC values 
OG.prauc.loo <- unlist(mclapply(1:length(unique(group_idx)), FUN=function(i) {
  ### features not in group i
  features_i <- names(group_idx)[group_idx != i]
  ### choose the lambda
  lambda.enet <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x_OG[,features_i]), y=as.factor(y_OG), alpha=0.5, family="binomial", foldid=cv_OG_idx)$lambda.min
  ### 5-fold CV
  mean(sapply(1:K, FUN=function(k) {
    test_idx <- which(cv_OG_idx == k)
    x_train <- as.matrix(x_OG[-test_idx, features_i])
    x_test <- as.matrix(x_OG[test_idx, features_i])
    y_train <- as.factor(y_OG[-test_idx])
    y_test <- y_OG[test_idx]

    lr_model.orig <- glmnet(x=x_train, y=y_train, alpha=0.5, family="binomial")
    lr_pred.orig <- predict(lr_model.orig, newx=x_test, s=lambda.enet, type="response")
    pr.curve(scores.class0=lr_pred.orig, weights.class0=y_test)$auc.integral
}, mc.cores=detectCores()-1))
# show the reduction

# display the ordered feature groups
for (i in (1:length(unique(group_idx)))[order(OG.prauc.loo)]) {
  cat("Feature group ")
  cat(names(group_idx)[group_idx == i], sep="\n")
## Feature group 4  0.03729933
## Missense_mutations_kb
## Missense_entropy
## Missense_silent_ratio
## HiFI_missense_LoFI_missense_ratio
## Missense_benign_ratio
## Missense_damaging_benign_ratio
## NonSilent_silent_ratio
## Feature group 2  0.02874044
## log_Total_N_missense_mutations
## log_Total_N_LoF_mutations
## PolyPhen_2_score
## log_gene_length
## log_CDS_length
## pLI_score
## pNull_score
## Missense_o_e_constraint
## LoF_o_e_constraint
## RVIS_percentile
## ncGERP_score
## Feature group 12 0.02699262
## Early_replication_timing
## Super_enhancer_percentage
## Feature group 14 0.01334638
## Promoter_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Gene_body_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Feature group 20 0.006141547
## H3K27me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K27me3_peaks
## H3K9me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9me3_peaks
## H3K9me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9me2_peaks
## Feature group 8  0.004112784
## Recurrent_missense_fraction
## Feature group 5  0.003343814
## LoF_mutations_kb
## LOF_silent_ratio
## LOF_benign_ratio
## LOF_total_ratio
## LOF_missense_ratio
## Frameshift_indel_fraction
## Inactivating_fraction
## Feature group 11 0.003299748
## Exon_conservation_phastCons_score
## Missense_MGAentropy
## VEST_score
## Gene_age
## Family_member_count
## Feature group 1  0.002114106
## Silent_mutations_kb
## Silent_fraction
## Feature group 13 0.001591076
## Gene_expression_Z_score
## Increase_of_cell_proliferation_by_CRISPR_Knock_down
## Feature group 19 0.001480202
## H3K4me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me3_peaks
## H3K4me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me2_peaks
## H3K4me1_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K4me1_peaks
## H3K36me3_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K36me3_peaks
## H3K27ac_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K27ac_peaks
## H3K9ac_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K9ac_peaks
## H3K79me2_peak_length
## Height_of_H3K79me2_peaks
## H4K20me1_peak_length
## Height_of_H4K20me1_peaks
## Feature group 10 0.0006189051
## Lost_start_and_stop_fraction
## Feature group 16 0.0005384699
## Synonymous_o_e_constraint
## Feature group 7  0.0001354212
## Nonsense_fraction
## Feature group 9  0.0001096942
## Inframe_indel_fraction
## Feature group 17 -0.0003426532
## Primate_dN_dS_ratio
## Feature group 6  -0.0005070993
## Missense_total_ratio
## CNA_deletion_percentage
## Feature group 15 -0.0008852359
## Gene_body_canyon_hypermethylation_in_cancer
## Feature group 3  -0.00150383
## log_Total_N_of_splicing_mutations
## Splice_silent_ratio
## Splice_benign_ratio
## Splice_total_ratio
## Feature group 18 -0.004284129
## Gene_damage_index
## ncRVIS_score
OG.num_top_feature_groups <- sum(OG.prauc.all-OG.prauc.loo >= 0.005)
cat(paste("The top", OG.num_top_feature_groups, "groups have at least 0.005 reduction in CV AUPRC\n"))
## The top 5 groups have at least 0.005 reduction in CV AUPRC

Mariginally rank features with in each of the top three groups for predicting TSGs and each of the top five groups for predicting OGs

# TSG: 
TSG.top_feature_groups.filename <- paste0("tables/TSG_top", TSG.num_top_feature_groups, "_feature_groups.txt")
for (i in (1:length(unique(group_idx)))[order(TSG.prauc.loo)][1:TSG.num_top_feature_groups]) { # top groups
  features_tmp <- names(group_idx)[group_idx == i]
  wilcox.pval <- sapply(features_tmp, FUN=function(feature_name) {
    wilcox.test(x=gene_by_feature_mat[NGs, feature_name], gene_by_feature_mat[TSGs, feature_name])$p.value
  feature_order <- order(wilcox.pval)
  cat("Feature group ", file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat(i, file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat("\t", file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat((TSG.prauc.all-TSG.prauc.loo)[i], file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat("\n", file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  for (j in 1:length(features_tmp)) {
    cat(features_tmp[feature_order][j], file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
    cat("\t", file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
    cat(wilcox.pval[feature_order][j], file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
    cat("\n", file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat("\n", file=TSG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)

# OG: 
OG.top_feature_groups.filename <- paste0("tables/OG_top", OG.num_top_feature_groups, "_feature_groups.txt")
for (i in (1:length(unique(group_idx)))[order(OG.prauc.loo)][1:OG.num_top_feature_groups]) { # top groups
  features_tmp <- names(group_idx)[group_idx == i]
  wilcox.pval <- sapply(features_tmp, FUN=function(feature_name) {
    wilcox.test(x=gene_by_feature_mat[NGs, feature_name], gene_by_feature_mat[OGs, feature_name])$p.value
  feature_order <- order(wilcox.pval)
  cat("Feature group ", file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat(i, file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat("\t", file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat((OG.prauc.all-OG.prauc.loo)[i], file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat("\n", file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  for (j in 1:length(features_tmp)) {
    cat(features_tmp[feature_order][j], file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
    cat("\t", file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
    cat(wilcox.pval[feature_order][j], file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
    cat("\n", file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)
  cat("\n", file=OG.top_feature_groups.filename, append=T)